Performing is the easy part. Songwriting is the hardest.

Troubadour helps you write songs whenever inspiration comes to you. Download the app to start writing and recording your notes!

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We've got what you need!

Let's face it. You're spending most of your time on your phone. Troubadour can help you stay creative and productive during that time. With auto-saving notes, convenient recording, and secure storage, we'll help you write the next hit.

Get Started!

Ready When You Are


When you're ready, just create a new Idea.


Too busy to write it down? Speak it. Sing it. Whisper it.


Song-writing can get messy. Let us help you organize your thoughts.

Cloud Storage

Your ideas belong to you. Troubadour lets you back up your files to your favorite cloud storage!

See It In Action

Collect Your Ideas

Create and edit notes on the fly.

Record Your Ideas

Create audio snippets with the push of a button.

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